Monday, October 26, 2020

Integrative Psychotherapy: Indian Perspective


Integrative Psychotherapy: Indian Perspective 

Paperback – April 14, 2020

Leister Sam Sudheer Manickam

About the book


"All too few books have been written which integrate psycho spiritual teachings and practices of the 'East' and psychotherapeutic theories and teaching techniques of the 'West'. This work delineates the concepts related to the integrative nature of the person, and the integrative process of change resulting from the integrative intervention strategies, which are referred to in ancient Indian thought. The relevance of these concepts in overcoming the obstacles to psychotherapy integration is also brought forth.The salient features of the integrative concepts in the Indian thought are: 1. The integrative theory of person states that the person (Atman) is composed of the same five basic elements which the Universe (Brahman) is constituted and the objective of the person is to become one with Brahman. 2. The person is composed of five sheaths (kosas), viz., annamaya (physical), pranamaya (psychophysiological), manomaya (psychological), vijnanamaya (intellectual or knowledge), and anandamaya (spiritual or beyond). The functions of each kosa are interconnected within and are interlinked to the five elements of Brahman. 3. The person also possesses three gunas (qualities)- sattva (pure-clear), rajas (affective-active) and tamas (inert-dark) and the preponderance of these qualities determines the type of the person. 4. Three of the integrative intervention frameworks of the Indian thought: Ayurveda, Bhagavadgita, and Yoga are therapeutic to the preponderance of problems at particular levels of the kosas. 5. The intervention, at any level of the kosa would have its impact in other kosas. Based on the framework provided, the possibility of integrating the existing therapies is also discussed. Research needs to be undertaken to validate problem kosa matched, guna matched, and technique/approach matched therapy which could be maximally effective".- Raymond Vespe

COVID-19 Pandemic:  Challenges and Responses of Psychologists from India

Book Description

This book is the edited work of original articles and views of psychologists and psychological associations in India who have responded to challenges that arose from the COVID-19 pandemic. The book gives an overview of the concerns of professional psychologists in India and their responses, from their individual and organizational capacity, to meet the psychological challenges of different sections of society. It also gives their reflections and aspirations on how the profession of psychology needs to move forward in addressing issues that have emerged during this pandemic and to make sustainable and strategic plans to mitigate them.

The book has 24 Chapters and here is the list

1. Psychologists from India Responding to  COVID-19 Pandemic: An Overview

    L. S. S. Manickam, Dr. Annie John,
   M. A. Debora, Dr. Preethi Krishnan and Dr. J. Jasseer

2. Refining Psychological Services and Strategies in India in the wake of COVID-19

    S. N. Anindya, M. A. Debora and L. S. S. Manickam

3. Responding to COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges of Indian Psychologists

    Kalpna and Dr. NovRattan Sharma

4. Socio-Emotional Responses Within and Outside Family Boundaries During COVID-19

     Dr. Anagha Lavalekar

5. COVID-19 and Migrant Workers: Clinical Psychologists’ Viewpoints

    Asima Mishra and Dr. Neha Sayeed

6. Supporting Students and the School Community During a Pandemic

    Dr. Annie John

7. Promoting Well-Being and Resilience of Young People during COVID-19: An Initiative with Schools

    Dr. Chetna Duggal and Lamia Bagasrawala

8. COVID-19 the Pandemic and People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

    Dr. S. Venkatesan

9. Outbreak of Corona: Gifted Response

    Dr. Sujala Watve

10. Psychologist’s Mind on Missing Beats of an Expatriate Life

      Reena Thomas, (Dubai )

11. Locked or Unlocked: Two Sides of the Coin


12. ‘The Return of the Repressed’ in COVID-19: The Need for Intervention at Socio-Cultural Inscape

     Dr. Paulson V. Veliyannoor ( Spain)

13. Tomato or Tennis Ball? Tips for Coping with Corona Resiliently and Helping Others Psychologically

      Dr. B.J. Prashantham

14. Self-Talk to Change Your Perceived Reality

      Dr. Manju Agrawal

15. Role of Psychologists in Dealing with Triple Disaster Situation During COVID-19 Pandemic

      Dr. Prasanta Kumar Roy

16. Psychological Response to COVID-19 Pandemic: Views of an Indian born Australian Counsellor

      Sunita Jitendra Gaud ( Australia)

17. Reclaiming New Horizons: Therapist of 2020 Pandemic Era

      Dr. Prerna Sharma

18. Contributions and Challenges of Psychologists in Private Practice in India and their Responses to COVID-19

     Dr. Dherandra Kumar

19. Telepsychotherapy: The Bridge to Continuity in Care and Mental Health Services in COVID-19  and Post Covid Era

      Smriti Joshi

20. An Experiment with Online Group Counseling during COVID-19

     D. S. L. Amulya

21. Indian Academy of Applied Psychology (IAAP):  Vocal Voice on Local to Global Perspectives of Psychological Services

     Dr. NovRattan Sharma

22. Tamil Nadu Association of Clinical Psychologists  (TNACP) Responding to COVID-19 Pandemic

     Dr. N. Suresh Kumar, Srinivasan Jayaraman and Dr. K. Rangaswamy

23. A Paradigm Shift: Changes, Challenges and Way Forward

   S. Divyaprabha, N. Ganesh, S. Kalpana, R. Nandini, S. Bhaskar, R. Suryakumar and Dr. T. R. Uma

24. COVID -19 Pandemic: A Time for Prudent and Ethical Action

     L. S. S. Manickam 


Manickam, L.S.S. (2020) (Ed.), COVID-19 pandemic: Challenges and responses of psychologists from India. Thiruvananthapuram: The Editor.


Each chapter to be cited as

Author/s Last Name, Initial(s). (2020). Title of the chapter. In L. S. S. Manickam (Ed.), COVID-19 pandemic: Challenges and responses of psychologists from India (pp.xx-xx). Thiruvananthapuram: The Editor.

 'COVID-19 Pandemic:  Challenges and Responses of Psychologists from India'

is available for free download at the link given below